Beyonce’ and Jay-Z

Hello Quinn babies! Some of you may be very familiar with these two individuals. They love each other beyond belief. Yes, Jay-Z has cheated and made some stupid ass mistakes. But! When you think about it, you never hear about what Beyonce’ has done wrong. She is my favorite artist, don’t get me wrong, but sometimes I’d like to know both sides. Anyways, that’s off the topic. These two have been a real inspiration for me outside of the bad things that you hear in social media.

How have they been an inspiration, you might ask? Because they’re strong. They’ve been through hell and high water, split up and came back only to still be together after ten years. Do yall realize that?? Ten years!! I always wonder what it would be like to have that for myself. Then, one day I looked in the mirror and realized that I live that life every day. No, not with the man of the relationship cheating or anything like that. I mean the love that the two of them have. How strong they are to the human eye! God has really worked his magic with the power couple of the century. One might think that these words are little too hyped for them. You know what? I really don’t care because they are who I’d like my love button and I to be for the rest of our lives.

They took their love and broke throughย every thing you could ever imagine a couple to go through!! Yet, they’re still together and more in love every day. They took that love and created a child (which I have baby fever right now, just a side note) and brought that child into this world for all of us to see. There’s nothing more special than creating a family. I can’t wait to start my family with the man I love. Our children will always know how loved they are and that we will always be there for them. I say children for a much deeper purpose and eventually I will tell you all about it.. Stay tuned ๐Ÿ™‚

Anyways, my love button and I are working on us now and we have been together for 5 years!! Good Lord, right? Some can only dream of having the love that he and I share. We’re far from perfect and we work constantly on becoming a better us. I believe God put us together to make us stronger, to let others learn from us and to push each other to our limits of success. I also believe that only He can separate us. The things that life puts in front of us are challenging at time, deceitful and complicated. With the courage that He gives us, we can only excel above those things (I may have spelled that wrong) and struggle through it together. Even if that means strongly disliking each other at times. I wouldn’t have it any other way ๐Ÿ™‚

Love button and I will be together for the long haul and I truly believe that we will be our generations’ (of course, you have to know us to know this) Jay-Z and Beyonce’. Only related to them by their strength and passion for one another. If you’re reading this love button, let’s be this generations’ ‘Bonnie and Clyde’ (no pun intended). See picture below of my hard working man! Doesn’t look too bad, right? I might know what I’m doing a little bit ๐Ÿ˜‰

Well, that’s about it for today! That’s all that’s been on my mind. Oh! Only one more day to go before Lil Man graduates high school. I said Lil Man like he was 5, right? No he’s 18 years old and ready for college! He’s my boyfriends’ brother. I’m so excited about it. More detail to come for that though! Nothing outside of the ordinary happened in the jungle today either. That’s interesting, huh? Cady Heron has no stories to bring back home about the Mean Girls? Wow. I guess it was an alright work day!

Sometimes I forget to ask about yalls day! How inconsiderate of me.. Until next time my babies!! Talk to you soon and have a great night! Go snuggle up with your significant others or your teddy bears and a movie!! Bye ๐Ÿ™‚05-22-2016 004